Mês: abril 2015

A New Deal for Greece – a Project Syndicate Op-Ed

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Yanis Varoufakis

Photo of Yanis VaroufakisFor the Project Syndicate page click here.

ATHENS – Three months of negotiations between the Greek government and our European and international partners have brought about much convergence on the steps needed to overcome years of economic crisis and to bring about sustained recovery in Greece. But they have not yet produced a deal. Why? What steps are needed to produce a viable, mutually agreed reform agenda?

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Announcing the Department of Inclusion and Community Engagement at the Minnesota Historical Society: Part II

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the incluseum

This is Chris Taylor’s second post to the Incluseum about his work creating the Department of Inclusion and Community Engagement at the Minnesota Historical Society. You can read Part I here. You can also access DICE’s Mission, Vision, and Values document here for more detail. What do you think? Do you have something similar at your museum?

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In my first post, I outlined the journey undertaken by MNHS over last few years that culminated with the creation of the Department of Inclusion and Community Engagement (DICE). In this post, I focus more on the vision of the department. To reiterate, our mission is:

THE DEPARTMENT OF INCLUSION AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (DICE) supports the Society’s goal of sustained engagement with diverse communities. The DICE will help guide internal and external strategies across all historic sites and museums to embed inclusive practices in our work to ensure…

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700 náufragos na “maior tragédia de sempre no Mediterrâneo”

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Saúde Global

Várias centenas de pessoas terão morrido no Mediterrâneo, quando um barco que transportava cerca de 700 migrantes se virou entre as costas da Líbia e a ilha italiana de Lampedusa. Durante as operações de salvamento foram resgatados apenas 28 sobreviventes.

O naufrágio terá acontecido quando um navio porta-contentores com bandeira de Portugal se aproximou para resgatar os migrantes por indicação das autoridades italianas, que tinham recebido um pedido de ajuda devido a “problemas de navegação”, pouco depois da meia-noite de domingo.

Na tentativa de se posicionarem para serem salvos pela tripulação do porta-contentores “King Jacob”, os migrantes que tentavam chegar à Europa dirigiram-se para um dos lados da embarcação, acabando por cair ao mar, avançou Carlotta Sami, porta-voz da Agência da ONU para os Refugiados no Sul da Europa. A mesma responsável…

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